CCI Report: What do conservation practitioners want from remote sensing?

CCI Report: What do conservation practitioners want from remote sensing?

This report identifies the kind of information that conservation practitioners need from earth observation remote sensing data, their general concerns about how remote sensing can be apllied to conservation and the tools and capacity they would need to answer the questions they are interested in.  It is an output from a Shared Challenges Programme project that aimed to increase collaboration between conservation community ‘users’ and the technical experts and raise awareness across conservation organisations and researchers within CCI of the potential for remote sensing to inform their work.

The Shared Challenges Programme held five workshops in early 2010 to identify the needs of people who use of remote sensing data from within the CCI partners. In total, 71 staff attended these workshops together with, project ‘champions’ from the organising group, drawn from each of the participating organisations. They were present to achieve similarity across workshops in the way in which the discussion was conducted. Each workshop began with a presentation in which the principles of remote sensing were outlined and examples of existing types of applications to conservation and upcoming technical developments were described; after which an open discussion took place.

This report is a synthesis of discussions at all five workshops and is presented according to:

  1. Requirements of conservation users of remote sensing
  2. General concerns about the applicability of remote sensing to conservation
  3. Tools and capacity needs

On the on the 31st March 2011, the final workshop in the series brought together conservation practitioners and technical experts from a range of organisations including NASA and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) with those from 11 CCI partner organisations and University departments to discuss new developments in remote sensing techniques and how these could be applied to conservation.

Suggested citation:
Green, R.E. et al. (2011) What do conservation practitioners want from remote sensing? Cambridge Conservation Initiative Report, Cambridge, UK

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