CCI Delivering the Blueprint Conference
19th September 2019
Environmental economists have been telling us for decades what changes are needed to our economic system to enable better stewardship of nature. The seminal Blueprint for a Green Economy was published 30 years ago and clearly set out the required principles of an economic system that takes nature’s values into account. Numerous high level plans and blueprints outlining natural capital and green economy approaches have followed in its wake. Such approaches have had some impact on business and public policy. But, so far, they have failed to halt the over-exploitation and under-investment in nature.
What more needs to change for economic approaches to deliver a green economy? Or are there limits to what economics can solve?
The conference, held on19 September 2019, brought together experts and experience from across the world on efforts to integrate nature’s values into our economic and political systems, asking what has worked, what has not worked and what we should do next.
Hosted by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative with support from the OECD Cooperative Research Programme, speakers included:
- Anil Markandya (Basque Centre for Climate Change and co-author of the Blueprint)
- Gretchen Daily (Stanford University)
- John Maughan (Green Growth Knowledge Platform)
- Annawati van Paddenburg (Global Green Growth Institute)
- Ed Perry (OECD)
- Stuart Whitten (CSIRO)
- Ivo Mulder (UNEP FI)
- Unai Pascual (IPBES)
- Roel Posthoorn (Marker-Wadden Project)
- Joey Au (Government of New Zealand)
- Ruth Davis (RSPB and DEFRA)
Formal conference proceedings are now being prepared and will be included shortly.
Please contact Dr Thomas Maddox or Dr Katie Bolt directly should you wish to be notifed when these documents are available ( /