John Tayleur

Head of Nature Restored Impact Area

Role: CCI Council, UNEP-WCMC


I currently head up the Nature Restored Impact Area at UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in Cambridge. UNEP-WCMC is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy. We work at the interface of science, policy, and practice to tackle the global crisis facing nature and support the transition to a sustainable future for people and the planet. I have been at UNEP-WCMC since 2014 in various roles, including heading up our teams working on protected and conserved areas, marine biodiversity, ecosystem assessment and policy support. Before joining UNEP-WCMC I worked for Defra, the British Trust for Ornithology and the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation.

As is typical for many in our field, my career spawned from a young fascination with wildlife and the outdoors. Many years ago I took both my BSc. Zoology and MSc. Applied Ecology and Conservation at the University of East Anglia, including time at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and a stint conducting research with the New Zealand Department of Conservation. I have been fortunate to work in conservation from a number of angles, including academia, practical fieldwork, mass citizen science, government science-policy interface and global frameworks.