Natasha Ali

Programme Officer for Protected Areas Information and Policy

Role: CCI collaborative projects, Project team member


I co-ordinate the ongoing development of the IUCN Green List Standard and coordinate the incorporation of relevant information into Protected Planet. An important function relating to the second phase of BIOPAMA will be to facilitate the inclusion of relevant data and information pertinent to decision-making, into relevant databases and portals. Through lessons learned through this process, I will support IUCN’s efforts to inform international and regional policy, in particular to aid the implementation of Aichi Targets 11 and 12.

I joined the IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Group in February 2015, where I developed policy papers for the various biodiversity Conventions and developed projects to help integrate knowledge products to improve the delivery of biodiversity data. I was formerly a policy adviser at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2007 – 2014), providing advice to the UK government, other governments and scientific partners – specialising in the international multi-lateral biodiversity conventions, and a plant scientist from 2001 – 2007.